Picky Active Record

ruby / picky

This post is about the challenges of designing an Active Record interface for Picky.

When we last time looked at writing a nice ActiveRecord integration, around version 2.0, and then 3.0, Picky the server wasn’t ready yet.

What was missing?

Most importantly, an interface to save updates as they come in (in Picky: Index#add, Index#remove, Index#replace). Secondly, the possibility to dump indexes during runtime (Index#dump).

How would we go about designing an Active Record interface for Picky? How do others do it?


Some search servers (like Sphinx) do not really offer an interface for live updates, but instead go the route of cleverly reindexing from a central data repository.

Other search servers offer HTTP interfaces (for example elasticsearch with its JSON POST/PUT etc. interface).

Since it is a nice and flexible standard interface, it enables interested coders to write software for it, for example Tire. This is a great way of attracting effort.

Another idea would be to open a port the engine listens on, pipes, or any form of communication imaginable.

In any case, Picky needs a standard interface.

The rough idea

Our rough idea is to listen for updates in the server and create a gem for use with active record (and others), which talks to the server every time some data is updated.

What are the challenges in the server?

The Server

Picky does not have a standard external interface beyond the Picky::Index and Picky::Search, which searches over the indexes.

index = Picky::Index.new(:name) do
  # ...
things = Picky::Search.new index
things.search 'something'

Of course, this is a very flexible approach, but comes with the problem that we need an implementation for all the different containers of Picky.

In the case of Sinatra, it will offer a HTTP interface, where the picky-activerecord gem will send updates to.

Let’s see how we would implement that. For updates, we will define a put action:

put '/' do
  index_name = params['index']
  index = Picky::Indexes[index_name.to_sym] # Get the right index from the indexes.
  index.replace_from params['data']

The method replace_from(hash) is available in edge currently. Error handling is omitted.

Then we can write up the DELETE action etc., wrap it into a nice module Picky::Interfaces::External, for example.

Finally, if someone wants their indexes updated by anything external, she would extend the Sinatra app with that Module:

class MyPickyServer < Sinatra::Base
  extend Picky::Interfaces::External
  # ...

Then, when we’d like to create/update/delete an indexed entry, we simply send a HTTP request to the Picky server with the following payload:

  index: "people",
  data: {
    id: 7,
    name: "Florian",
    surname: "Hanke"

Sounds easy so far, right?

Ah, but what if we stop and restart Picky? What happens to the indexed data?

When Picky is restarted

Let’s say you don’t use the realtime SQLite or Redis persistent backend to store your indexes, but the standard Memory backend.

If we simply restarted, we would lose the indexes. We need a way to dump the data. One way to do this is simply dumping it when you quit Picky:

at_exit { Picky::Indexes.dump }

or a specific index:

at_exit { the_index.dump }

And then, as you restart the server, you simply load the indexes. Probably in config.ru:


I’m quite excited about this!

Sure, you have to write this yourself, but … you also CAN write it yourself. And control the behaviour of it. Dump it every X requests? Only on exit? I don’t care! (I mean, I do, but not how you do it :) )

In closing, I like that in a documentation, picky-activerecord will only need a single line for the server: Add extend Picky::Interfaces::External to your Sinatra app.

Other interfaces?

At the beginning, we will focus on writing an experimental/standard Sinatra interface.

This will result in a nice Module that people can use to make their Sinatra Picky server open to external updates.

But what about other interfaces?

Since we expect the Picky Sinatra external interface to only be around 20-30 lines, we’ll just leave it open for now and implement as the need arises.

The Client

We’ll save the discussion on the client for later, but just quickly outline the ideas:

  1. It should offer a simple and easy configuration possibility, with the default being host: 'localhost', port: 8080, path:'/'.
  2. It hooks into the after_save callback.
  3. It offers the possibility to save arbitrary data (not just model Person, or Company etc., but arbitrary hashes, like Music, including a list of Genres, even though that combined object doesn’t exist – I might note that it could make great sense to create a combined model like this).
  4. It should be less than 100 lines. I’m not kidding.


What do you think of the server design? Any obvious flaws? Ideas? Suggestions by those who have used other, similar interfaces?

Have you already started on writing a picky-activerecord gem? :D

In any case, thanks for following the slow but steady progress of Picky!

Next Picky Active Record 2


